What to do

What to do

If you feel the constant need to fill your time, you might be better off in places like Ibiza or Rimini.

Life here flows at its own pace, in tune with your own inner rhythm and your wish to engage with what’s around you. Reading in the sunshine, chatting around the fireplace, a glass of red wine, an unplanned nap, if needed …

Cycling, walking, a trip on the lake …

It’s not up to us to tell you what to do, but we are more than happy to supply useful information, or tell you what we used to do around here before we took to country life, with all the obligations that implies.

The historic cities of Tuscany and Umbria are an hour away by car. There are some itineraries for getting there, and others which avoid them. You might prefer to take to the back roads, in search of the authentic culture of the region: traditional craftsmen and producers, surviving examples of rural architecture….

The roads might take you past an exceptionally good bakery or a Romanesque church, thermal baths or a friendly wine producer, an artisan salumificio or a fine art foundry, local cheese makers or the art of the Tuscan renaissance.

The historic towns and villages (shown in all the guidebooks) can become part of your own tailor-made itinerary. What we can offer is our experience built up over the years, going back to the time, many years ago, when we arrived here as visitors and then decided to stay. All the places we suggest you might visit are part of our lives.

For the hillwalkers, we have detailed maps of the area and notes on tried and tested itineraries (being ourselves veterans of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela in 1987).

The area offers very interesting trails through both inhabited and open countryside. Staged routes can also be organised and, if required, we can arrange transport back to your point of departure.

Useful websites





Information on local transport, incuding ferry services to Lake Trasimeno islands, not to be missed. 

60 km. of walking and cycling trails, sutable for all.


